
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Let's have heart giveaway and candle giveaway update

Winners will be announced soon. I am still giving 10% to the chd quilt org as well. My goal for this is $25 by July! Please help me reach it! is where you will find out about the quilt project.

What's new in my life? Well I've found 2 new home health jobs, which have kept me pretty busy.
I keep missing my tb tests to be read, which does not make me happy. My agency work for hospitals is going well for now. It's looking pretty good for nursing for now. So I'm really happy. My daughter Abby just got done with a mini play. She played the lead role! I am so proud of her, and if we can get some video uploaded on here, we will. Until then, have a good week!


LisaLisa said...

Well Congrats on the new jobs....nothing feels good like helping others. As a retired Home-Care Nurse for over 18 years there is great rewards in your work.

Good Luck!

Military Momz said...

Glad things are going good for you on the nursing front. I bet your daughter enjoyed being in the play! Hope you are able to load up some video of it!