
Saturday, June 14, 2008

I love my job!!

There are times, I must admit, when I don't like it so much. Today is not one of those days. Imagine being cooped up with only your laptop and t.v. kids, no husband, no one to tell you to clean, even your subconscious. Ya, I love my job. Now back down to earth. It has its perks, while I am not sure who screwed up today, I am definitely enjoying my peace and quWiet, and to boot, I got a new used car. A ford Taurus. Yep, I am feeling pretty good now. Sometimes, my job isn't so stable, so I have to be ever so diligent, and I do want to get back into the ICU ring for sure! Well that's all for me for now. I do have to work, but not until later. Then I double back on Sunday, which I didn't realize was Fathers day. I still need to get Chuck a present.

Thanks for reading.


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