
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Last minute sales!

Where did the year go??? I am so glad all of you are part of my site and members to my site as well!!!! Here are some holiday sales, and I hope you do grab a gift or two, from a wahm, like myself. I hope I have what it is that you are looking for! Take a look!

Monet minerals. Mineral makeup at its best! Rachel Solace makes all her own. We have all kinds of specials. Please take a look, we have a christmas shoppe, and Rachel has som awesome sales set up for you right now. Shipping is 1/2 off, and she has lots of other great sales!

How about bringing the joy of reading to your child? Barefoot books is a new business adventure I've had this year. I enjoy barefoot books, because I know there is a price range for everyone! Right now we have 30% off, and FREE SHIPPING! enter snowy in the checkout

Merry Christmas!



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