
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Update on my commitment

It's not that I'm not committed. Everything I do, I try to give 110%! I did join the gym, but this and the last week I've had trouble getting to it. I am going tonight however! I am committed. I gained instead of could that happen? Ah well...there is orlando, and plenty of walking...I'm sure to loose at least one pound there. Thanks to all my followers for your support and kind words and please do come back here for support. Together we can support each other. I know most of us have businesses at home too....please feel free to ask me if you can guest blog on here too. I may have a feature where we vent or give each other advice, support or whatever! I will tell you how my exercise regime went this weekend! I joined Cardinal Fitness, and I believe it will be well worth the investment, as well as working out on my own treadmill. Keep the comments coming!


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