I didn't take Christmas pics of the girls at Christmas. I took some at our family Christmas party doing karoeke. I will have to post them here soon. I can't believe the year is almost done. According to the Mayan calendar, I won't be blogging this time next year, as the world is supposed to end 12-20-2012. Do you believe that? So much to do and so little time. I will bid adieu for now, and wish everyone a very happy 2012. Happy new year everyone!! Thank you to all my new followers and those that read from around the world. I am so happy to have a blog that is read from Palos Hills Illinois to Hong Kong and Bangladesh! I will take some New Years Photos.
Until next time!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Our beagle

We were told. Beagles are not loyal. They have their noses to the ground, and are hunters. Our girls wanted a puppy, and Becca wanted a beagle so bad. We got one. I have to admit however, he is worse than a toddler. Worse! Sparky is into everything. He kept escaping our fenced in yard. He is fast and quite the jumper we found out. We can not leave him loose in the yard unless we are directly watching him, for fear he'll jump out of the yard. So....
We got a dog run, in hopes that he would stay in the yard.
However.....as you can see above it didn't work to well....we are working on it though...
until next time.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
My trip to Mississppi
I was hesitant, I must admit. My husband said he needed me to go to help to drive, he couldn't do it alone. Hm, I said, YOU'RE going to let me drive?? If you're husband is like mine, he doesn't like wifey to drive. I had to arrange to get the time off, which was a neat trick since I work for 3 home health companies. Fortunately, census is down in all 3 businesses, so I was able to do it. We even had Sparky with us. I didn't take any pictures, but their grandmother Leona did. I have to get those.
The drive was beautiful but long. A 12 hour drive. We wouldn't have been able to do it if it was just a one person drive. When it was my turn, I was so tempted to go to Nashville. Next time we'll make a pit stop...I want to see Evis' house.
To combat boredom we listened to an audio book. It was my husbands type of course, but my youngest really loved it. I had wanted them to do flash cards and etc, but you know what they say about the best intentions. Have you taken a short trip somewhere? Let me know about it in the comments section.
Until next time, which will be soon. I have so much to share with you.
The drive was beautiful but long. A 12 hour drive. We wouldn't have been able to do it if it was just a one person drive. When it was my turn, I was so tempted to go to Nashville. Next time we'll make a pit stop...I want to see Evis' house.
To combat boredom we listened to an audio book. It was my husbands type of course, but my youngest really loved it. I had wanted them to do flash cards and etc, but you know what they say about the best intentions. Have you taken a short trip somewhere? Let me know about it in the comments section.
Until next time, which will be soon. I have so much to share with you.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Christmas gifts
What is better than the gift of reading. The more children read, the more fluent they get with it. Get a book, and read with your child. The best books I have read with my chirldren is Barefoot books, and not just because I sell them. The illustrators are great, and the owners are just like you and I. Leave a comment here if your interested, and some contact info, and I will give you a code for a 20% discount good until the end of the year! http://carole-harris.barefootbooks.com
I buy barefoot books and so should you. Check it out. http://carole-harris.barefootbooks.com
I buy barefoot books and so should you. Check it out. http://carole-harris.barefootbooks.com
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween is back!
They were coming out of the wood work! Trick treaters of everykind! Chuck, my husband had the girls and Sparky out trick or treating while I passed out candy. There were some really big trick or treaters, and when I asked some how old they were, they stated they were in 7th grade!!! Just what are 7th graders eating these days???
I have pics of my two daughters, in witch costumes I will load here soon.
Halloweeen is fun isn't it? So now that it's November 1st, when do you put up your Christmas tree? I'd love for you to comment on my blog. I can't wait to hear all the delightful answers.
Until next time
I have pics of my two daughters, in witch costumes I will load here soon.
Halloweeen is fun isn't it? So now that it's November 1st, when do you put up your Christmas tree? I'd love for you to comment on my blog. I can't wait to hear all the delightful answers.
Until next time
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
I love it when...
People who don't have children, tell you what you should do. As a parent have you run into this? I'm sure many of you have...You have inlaws or friends, who decided not to have children for reasons of their own, yet offer free advice or tell you what you should do! Excuse me, you chose not to have children, therefore, you don't get a say in what I SHOULD do. If you haven't parented, don't offer parenting advice!
Others say they don't gossip about you, yet, the gossip that they DIDN'T do, got back to you. And they were the ones who started gossiping about things in the first place.
Intimate details of my family reach other family members. You know, the ones that you see once a year. How does that happen? Gossip! LOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT.
People forget the saying "when you point a finger, there is always 3 pointing at you" So true, yet people still like to point the finger and blame everyone, and ignore their own actions.
People forget the saying "if they're gossiping about you, they are gossiping about everyone else. So true, enough that it doesn't need explainatino.
I'm done ranting...Everyone enjoy their Wednesday! Have a good week.
Until next time.
Others say they don't gossip about you, yet, the gossip that they DIDN'T do, got back to you. And they were the ones who started gossiping about things in the first place.
Intimate details of my family reach other family members. You know, the ones that you see once a year. How does that happen? Gossip! LOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT.
People forget the saying "when you point a finger, there is always 3 pointing at you" So true, yet people still like to point the finger and blame everyone, and ignore their own actions.
People forget the saying "if they're gossiping about you, they are gossiping about everyone else. So true, enough that it doesn't need explainatino.
I'm done ranting...Everyone enjoy their Wednesday! Have a good week.
Until next time.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Our new puppy
I guess I wasn't prepared for Sparky as I thought I was. He is really worse than any child I've been with, and worse than the two I am raising. He really is into everything, and is nipping at the girls. Although the nipping has toned down some. He also is 95% paper trained, I just found an accident he obviously had sometime after I swept the kitchen floor, and also ripped into my box of lentil soup from a wahm I bought. So right now I am not happy with Sparky at all. My husband wants to get him a shock collar but I don't know that that is best. We need to let sparky know he is not ruler of the roost. At night time, he does let us sleep, and he is fairly good with the girls...I am just very frustrated.
other news:
The family has been going on 1.5 mile treks at forest preserves. I have lost 20 pounds at least, but I have been sick, and am sure that I lost weight through my illness. I love being with my family on the weekends. I also have a baptism this weekend that I look forward to going to.
The girls will start their acting class this November, and Becca wants to be in Orchestra playing the Viola. The meeting for that is later this month, and there is a dance at our church for Abby the same day, so I don't know how I will be able to be in two places. Chuck will have to be in one, and I will drop Abby off in one I guess.
Also the school told Becca she had to choose her after school tutoring OR her religion. My husband threw a fit, and he isn't even Catholic. We will see how this develops after the weekend.
Until next time
other news:
The family has been going on 1.5 mile treks at forest preserves. I have lost 20 pounds at least, but I have been sick, and am sure that I lost weight through my illness. I love being with my family on the weekends. I also have a baptism this weekend that I look forward to going to.
The girls will start their acting class this November, and Becca wants to be in Orchestra playing the Viola. The meeting for that is later this month, and there is a dance at our church for Abby the same day, so I don't know how I will be able to be in two places. Chuck will have to be in one, and I will drop Abby off in one I guess.
Also the school told Becca she had to choose her after school tutoring OR her religion. My husband threw a fit, and he isn't even Catholic. We will see how this develops after the weekend.
Until next time
Friday, August 12, 2011
Mr. Mom
Yep, that's his new nick name. Chuck got news that he has to be home for a little while longer due to his carpal tunnel surgeries. Disappointing yes, for him anyway. He was looking forward to going back to work, and economically the best thing for us is to get him to work soon! Now to get to the point of the blog today.
A few day ago, we had the neighborhood kids playing in our yard. Unusual, yes, but doable. My house was not clean enough, sadly to have 5 children running around in it with a puppy. Besides, it was much nicer out that day. So, cut up a watermelon for them as a snack. Then, he made a fruit salad. He is experimenting for his 50th birthday party. Party goers will enjoy this colorful fruit salad on 8/27. Soon after, my 9 yr old comes in the house to declare her hunger ..and her friends as well. So fruit bowls for all. Easy enough. However, sandwhiches were a different story. Here's where Mr. Mom got a little frustrated, and found out, it wasn't so easy to be home. Five kids, three different way to make sandwhiches. Ham without cheese or condiments. Ham with cheese, no condiments, and then our two with everything. It boggled Chucks' mind, but he did. I sat back and giggled. Life is good. Good job Mr. mom! Regardless of how much he complained, he loved it.
Until next time.
A few day ago, we had the neighborhood kids playing in our yard. Unusual, yes, but doable. My house was not clean enough, sadly to have 5 children running around in it with a puppy. Besides, it was much nicer out that day. So, cut up a watermelon for them as a snack. Then, he made a fruit salad. He is experimenting for his 50th birthday party. Party goers will enjoy this colorful fruit salad on 8/27. Soon after, my 9 yr old comes in the house to declare her hunger ..and her friends as well. So fruit bowls for all. Easy enough. However, sandwhiches were a different story. Here's where Mr. Mom got a little frustrated, and found out, it wasn't so easy to be home. Five kids, three different way to make sandwhiches. Ham without cheese or condiments. Ham with cheese, no condiments, and then our two with everything. It boggled Chucks' mind, but he did. I sat back and giggled. Life is good. Good job Mr. mom! Regardless of how much he complained, he loved it.
Until next time.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Life of a Diabetic
Yep, I'm a diabetic. I don't dwell on it if I don't have to. I am bound and determined to watch my girls graduate go to prom, graduate high school, enter college or trade school and get married. Things my dad wasn't able to do. He was also a diabetic, but a very non compliant diabetic. I watched him deteriorate, and it wasn't a pretty picture. It was very sad actually, and his life shortened far too early. Diabetes is a horrible disease, and mainly genetic, but it can be controlled with meds and diet. That is how I hope to beat this disease! I have family members who are also diabetic. My brother, a sister, and a neice. So you could say, it runs in the family.
Having your world surrounded by thoughts of how one is going to eat isn't easy. One does have to watch high glycemic foods, such as white bread, potatoes, rice. Those foods raise the blood sugars. Also your sweetest fruits are not good, esp the really sweet ones...of course they raise blood sugar.. My doctor informed me "Everyone thinks fruit is good for them, it really isn't" It isn't good for a diabetic to pig out on them. We, you and I know that anything in moderation can't hurt, and fruits have some terrific antioxidants. So not all bad.
My blood sugars shot up because I was not eating well. I'm changing that and bringing my sugars down. Follow me again in my attempt to loose weight without pills and etc. Comment to this blog and tell me your tricks, and if you have any recipes, let me know that too!
Until next time
Having your world surrounded by thoughts of how one is going to eat isn't easy. One does have to watch high glycemic foods, such as white bread, potatoes, rice. Those foods raise the blood sugars. Also your sweetest fruits are not good, esp the really sweet ones...of course they raise blood sugar.. My doctor informed me "Everyone thinks fruit is good for them, it really isn't" It isn't good for a diabetic to pig out on them. We, you and I know that anything in moderation can't hurt, and fruits have some terrific antioxidants. So not all bad.
My blood sugars shot up because I was not eating well. I'm changing that and bringing my sugars down. Follow me again in my attempt to loose weight without pills and etc. Comment to this blog and tell me your tricks, and if you have any recipes, let me know that too!
Until next time
Writing does the soul some good
I'll admit it, I am not the greatest writer. I want to be. I want to write a book about my heart child and write some childrens books. Writing helps me vent, talk about my children, my joys, my heartaches, my accomplishments. Writing helps me share the same experiences other mothers may have.
I must admit, I've had quite a few harsh sentiments about my blog. Those feeling the need to critique it. I've had alot about my businesses in my blog, and apparently not the type for some to read. But hey, I feel that if those who critique don't like what they read, they can choose not to read it. I love that I have an outlet to put down my thoughts. I never got into the whole journal thing. I blame Oprah for that. Everyone was journaling, Oprah made it big. I'm not into what everyone else is into, yet here I blog. I first started blogging to get some of my at home businesses, and my parties (vendor parties) off the ground.
I love to write about my daughters Abby and Becca. Becky, (as we call her) told us today she didn't like to be called Rebecca ann, and Abby didn't like Abigail. I told her they were beautiful names. Becky is getting to be quite the grown up 9 yr old. She said some very grown up things at breakfast this morning, although I can't recall them. I meant to blog about them right away, but had a patient to see. The girls are getting bigger, and Chuck is already thinking of retirement. I'm not ready for either. I'm probably going to work up until they actually dig my grave. I'm also prepared to have my girls around for a while with this economy.
I'm usually an optimist, but with this economy, I don't see anyone affording much. I feel fortunate we were able to sock a few bucks away for the girls for college or trade school..if they can use it. Worry worry worry, as one of my patients would say. Such is the life of a parent, ah yes they do grow up fast.
Until next time.
I must admit, I've had quite a few harsh sentiments about my blog. Those feeling the need to critique it. I've had alot about my businesses in my blog, and apparently not the type for some to read. But hey, I feel that if those who critique don't like what they read, they can choose not to read it. I love that I have an outlet to put down my thoughts. I never got into the whole journal thing. I blame Oprah for that. Everyone was journaling, Oprah made it big. I'm not into what everyone else is into, yet here I blog. I first started blogging to get some of my at home businesses, and my parties (vendor parties) off the ground.
I love to write about my daughters Abby and Becca. Becky, (as we call her) told us today she didn't like to be called Rebecca ann, and Abby didn't like Abigail. I told her they were beautiful names. Becky is getting to be quite the grown up 9 yr old. She said some very grown up things at breakfast this morning, although I can't recall them. I meant to blog about them right away, but had a patient to see. The girls are getting bigger, and Chuck is already thinking of retirement. I'm not ready for either. I'm probably going to work up until they actually dig my grave. I'm also prepared to have my girls around for a while with this economy.
I'm usually an optimist, but with this economy, I don't see anyone affording much. I feel fortunate we were able to sock a few bucks away for the girls for college or trade school..if they can use it. Worry worry worry, as one of my patients would say. Such is the life of a parent, ah yes they do grow up fast.
Until next time.
daughters writing,
Monday, August 8, 2011
Pre teens, Abby I am so proud of you!
She may never know it. Even though I told her. She loves volunteerism. This is the 2nd or 3rd time she's done it. Today she packed food for children in underdeveloped countries. I didn't have to beg or coerce her. She also has the opportunity to go on a 2 day retreat. She didn't want to, but when she came back from her good deed, she was very excited and wanted to go again. I am so proud! I am glad she's a great kid. Sure she looses it every now and then, but I wouldn't trade her in for anything! I couldn't ask for a better kid. Ok, done bragging...
If you're reading this and didn't get an invite to her splash station party this Aug 13th...you let me know, you are more than welcome to come!
Until then.
If you're reading this and didn't get an invite to her splash station party this Aug 13th...you let me know, you are more than welcome to come!
Until then.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Awesome children
I have to admit, I have little to complain about with my two daughters. Their one flaw is every kids flaw, and that is their messy rooms. Sure my oldest has a salty mouth at times, but she gets alot from all around. Patience is a virtue, too bad the schools don't have it. I realize they must be strict there, but every one I talk too, and in different school systems has a negative thing to say about public schools. So I don't feel bad. So why are my kids awesome. It took some time, but they are actually starting to help out in the house. They actually like doing some of the house work. Now, I am not naive. I know there is something behind it...like allowance, and being able to get candy with the money they earned. What's wrong with that if they brush their teeth? And finally I am getting Becca to take a bath! I've never seen a girl not wanting to take a bath, but tv had its dark hold on her. They are great girls. Once in a while, I get a whine from them, but for the past couple of weeks their dad has been home, and that does help. I have them doing dishes, cleaning their rooms, taking out the trash and the dog, and cleaning their rooms, cleaning the living room as well. Hey, when mom works, everyone must help out, and Abby is even learning how to do laundry, awesome kids! I can't complain!
Until next time.
Until next time.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Annie Get your Gun! Congrats to Carmine and Wallace!

I'm sad this musical is over! Why? Because I still have all the songs going through my head. Abby and Becky have been actresses for a long time now! Abby since she was about 6 or 7. Becky since she was about 4. Laurie Carmine always does an excellent job directing these kids in whatever play she chooses. It doesn't ever look like it will all come together but she gets them there, and boy do the kids deliver. An awesome cast in Annie get your gun, and I have some pics here. We are not sure of the fate of our musicals, but here's to hoping the girls and directors will be able to carry on for a long time. The girls have camp next in the fall, so stay tuned for that. Laurie Carmine and Barb Wallace did an excellent job with Annie get your Gun. Not enough thanks and appreciation for all their work!!! If you see them running around without a play to direct, tell them Carole Harris said thanks!
Besides the drama camp Abby has decided she wants to join the youth ministry choir, and try the joliet glee club. Becky wants to do some kind of gymnastics, and perhaps learn to play the guitar. I wouldn't mind freshing my skills on the guitar either. Of course, we have parties to plan and things to do...not sure where our money tree has been lately...LOL....
Until next time.
Annie get your gun,
money tree,
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Chucks surgery and then some
Well it won't be long. Unfortnately, all good things must come to an end. WE were doing very well. I am going to have to take on extra jobs again. I refuse to let people take our house. Chuck will be off for 2 mos, and I am not really sure what is going to happen. I DO have a job, but it is slow. I will be starting private duty, but it is half of what I earn now...but it will at least be something. Plus I will have my visits. I am applying for other home health companies as well. I now realize that when I quit my other home health job it was rather hasty, but I do feel I made the right choice and for the right reasons. The decision was also supported by my husband, so I KNOW I made the right decision.
I started my internet newspaper today. Not sure how it is going to go. I am also going to start interviewing wahms, which will appear in this blog. I am very excited about the venture. It will be a good thing, we can all learn from each other. It is my hope that the blog and interviews will flourish with lessons for us all.
The girls: Very busy. They are going to be in the musical Annie get your gun this year. The directors have a lot of kids to deal with, and I applaud them. It's a lot of work, and not quite sure how they pull it off every year. We had some news though, and not sure what is to become of it. The literary guild, which we are members of, will not be associated with Bicentennial Park. Chuck and I are not sure what this means for us and our girls. I guess I'll find out more on Monday.
Summer fun: We went swimming at the Beaconridge pool on Saturday. I love to swim. It was my hope it would lower my blood sugar, but it didn't. We are planning to go this coming weekend. Then I will really swim and do laps with my sister. She welcomes the company, and we are happy to oblige! The girls would live in pools and water if they could. Tonight they are at a sleep over with friends.
My diabetes: It's my fault it is out of control. I ate too much fast food, not eating the right stuff, and now they are too high. I do plan to walk on the tread mill either tonight or early in the morn. I will have to call my doc to ask for Januvia and see if that helps bring my sugars down again. I am hoping my walks, and treadmill will bring them down.
Gyms: my advice is for another time. It was a frustrating weekend in talking with Cardinal gym this weekend, and I don't want my frustration to be heard just yet. Breath!
Driving to Mississipi: Another thing to think about. I won't air it on this blog.
Until next time
I started my internet newspaper today. Not sure how it is going to go. I am also going to start interviewing wahms, which will appear in this blog. I am very excited about the venture. It will be a good thing, we can all learn from each other. It is my hope that the blog and interviews will flourish with lessons for us all.
The girls: Very busy. They are going to be in the musical Annie get your gun this year. The directors have a lot of kids to deal with, and I applaud them. It's a lot of work, and not quite sure how they pull it off every year. We had some news though, and not sure what is to become of it. The literary guild, which we are members of, will not be associated with Bicentennial Park. Chuck and I are not sure what this means for us and our girls. I guess I'll find out more on Monday.
Summer fun: We went swimming at the Beaconridge pool on Saturday. I love to swim. It was my hope it would lower my blood sugar, but it didn't. We are planning to go this coming weekend. Then I will really swim and do laps with my sister. She welcomes the company, and we are happy to oblige! The girls would live in pools and water if they could. Tonight they are at a sleep over with friends.
My diabetes: It's my fault it is out of control. I ate too much fast food, not eating the right stuff, and now they are too high. I do plan to walk on the tread mill either tonight or early in the morn. I will have to call my doc to ask for Januvia and see if that helps bring my sugars down again. I am hoping my walks, and treadmill will bring them down.
Gyms: my advice is for another time. It was a frustrating weekend in talking with Cardinal gym this weekend, and I don't want my frustration to be heard just yet. Breath!
Driving to Mississipi: Another thing to think about. I won't air it on this blog.
Until next time
Annie get your gun,
Monday, June 13, 2011
This summer has been unpredictably rainy and cool. Not very hot at all. So when I broke my promise to go to splash station today because I just didn't have time, I didn't expect cool weather! It won't get warm until Friday or Saturday. So needless to say my girls were upset. We did however go to the library, and I think with this cool weather, we'll be making more and more trips. This is a good thing, they both need help and need to read more. Becca loves her animal and science books. They are both in the reading clubs at the library, so I hope that inspires them to read.
On another note...if sparky doesn't start eating more, I think I may call the vet. He slept alot today. His one hind leg is scraped up, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. The girls are always carrying him too, which chuck and I don't like. It doesn't give him time to walk.
Off to see my patient. Until next time.
On another note...if sparky doesn't start eating more, I think I may call the vet. He slept alot today. His one hind leg is scraped up, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not. The girls are always carrying him too, which chuck and I don't like. It doesn't give him time to walk.
Off to see my patient. Until next time.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
cleaning day, and the puppy
I can not brag enough about how good this puppy is. Last night when we got home from a graduation party my hubby took care of the puppy. He is paper trained pretty well. We let him roam around for a little bit, and then he took him out. Well no poop or pee for the first time, but he hadn't eaten. So then my hubby thought he'd wait. So after I went to see my patient, I guess he fell asleep, and the puppy went to sleep on the couch at his feet. Well, then the puppy got down from the couch and went wee wee on the paper and somehow got back on the couch...(good puppy) He does go poop and pee outside. I know those of you reading this is probably thinking tmi...but I've never really had a puppy. We had two dogs when I was younger with my brother and sister, but I never really had the opportunity to bond with them, in fact I think they hated me. So I am really excited, I think we made a really good choice. The only problem is the girls won't leave him alone for beans. They took him for a walk, (they asked dad)but abby and becca walked all the way to the gas station. That was too far of a walk for that little pup. Hubby of course was not too pleased, nor was I. I really don't want my 9 yr old walking that far, or thinking she can walk without permission, or even with permission. For now anyway.
As far as cleaning day...it's like pulling teeth. I did sleep in, so now chuck is taking his nap. I will let him. He fixed breakfast and got up with the puppy and girls. He was up early. But the girls. So much laundry, I don't get how a family can gather up so much laundry. Anyway, I am energized, but I want to have my fun too, and I am going to do some work, then polish off my paperwork, and go into the office tomorrow. Becca really doesn't like cleaning so much or taking her dirty laundry down...grrrrrrrrrrrr.....Abby was cleaning her room. We shall see, if they do a good job I will take them to splash station if the weather is nice.
Until next time.
As far as cleaning day...it's like pulling teeth. I did sleep in, so now chuck is taking his nap. I will let him. He fixed breakfast and got up with the puppy and girls. He was up early. But the girls. So much laundry, I don't get how a family can gather up so much laundry. Anyway, I am energized, but I want to have my fun too, and I am going to do some work, then polish off my paperwork, and go into the office tomorrow. Becca really doesn't like cleaning so much or taking her dirty laundry down...grrrrrrrrrrrr.....Abby was cleaning her room. We shall see, if they do a good job I will take them to splash station if the weather is nice.
Until next time.
cleaning day,
gas station,
splash station
Friday, June 10, 2011
Gwyneth Paltrow: What's Wrong With Homosexuality? - Celebrity News - UsMagazine.com
Gwyneth Paltrow: What's Wrong With Homosexuality? - Celebrity News - UsMagazine.com
I was raised a very very strict Catholic. I think even stricter than anyone else in my family. When I was in about 4th or 5th grade, this girl Nancy Jo Kasko called me and my friend Lori homosexuals. While I wouldn't admit it to Nancy, I didn't know what she was talking about. So I asked my mother. My mother was very uncomfortable with the term, but I finally found out what Ms. Nancy was calling me. (I'll never know why every Nancy I have ever met has been a B**t**) but that's the way it goes. My parents weren't to forthcoming with the birds and bees with me...I made them very uncomfortable. I think secretly my mom was hoping I would become a nun. And I did think about it in my 20's, but soon found out, that I was probably not nun material. Although it's hard for me to believe all nuns...are oh so NUNLY.
In any event, any one with religous views has thought homosexuality was bad, so I'm a bit confused as to why this concept is foreign to ms. paltrow. Certainly she had religous friends in her younger years, if not so, perhaps in the present.
While the Catholic religion does shun homosexuality, we in my family do not. It isn't about growing with your religion either. It's about humanity, whether my religion feels it is wrong or not, you can never go wrong with a little humanity.
Until next time.
I was raised a very very strict Catholic. I think even stricter than anyone else in my family. When I was in about 4th or 5th grade, this girl Nancy Jo Kasko called me and my friend Lori homosexuals. While I wouldn't admit it to Nancy, I didn't know what she was talking about. So I asked my mother. My mother was very uncomfortable with the term, but I finally found out what Ms. Nancy was calling me. (I'll never know why every Nancy I have ever met has been a B**t**) but that's the way it goes. My parents weren't to forthcoming with the birds and bees with me...I made them very uncomfortable. I think secretly my mom was hoping I would become a nun. And I did think about it in my 20's, but soon found out, that I was probably not nun material. Although it's hard for me to believe all nuns...are oh so NUNLY.
In any event, any one with religous views has thought homosexuality was bad, so I'm a bit confused as to why this concept is foreign to ms. paltrow. Certainly she had religous friends in her younger years, if not so, perhaps in the present.
While the Catholic religion does shun homosexuality, we in my family do not. It isn't about growing with your religion either. It's about humanity, whether my religion feels it is wrong or not, you can never go wrong with a little humanity.
Until next time.
It's been a long time...but I have a few rants!
Rant rant rant.....
My number one rant is the rude people on the road today. I was out driving on the left lane...going faster than I should really, and I had this guy speed up behind me. He signaled and pointed for me to go into the middle lane. I was so mad! Yes I did. I flipped him off. I know I shouldn't have, but the nerve of this driver. He was going much faster than I, so eventually he passed me. I eventually moved to the middle lane. Then I got the honkers. I wasn't turning fast enough, or starting to go on the green light fast enough. The worst honkers are the trucks that are usually 8 cars behind. Now who do they think they are? How much of a gain do they think they will make by honking? I wonder.
My second rant is at this blogger who was on Carson Daly. I much rather follow @BrandyEllen or some other wahms then follow her. She makes dumb declarative and often insulting comments on her twitter. The only reason she has so many followers is because of a rocker who told everyone to follow her. There is nothing special about her blog, she even rants at the women on the view for commenting about her. I'm not sure why she qualified as a writer. The one comment she made on twitter that really irked me however was about children. If you are going to pick on children pick on your own. I was raised never to comment on peoples looks. If you point your finger at someone, there were three pointing back at you. I guess for tasteless twitter comments you get followers.
Why would any mom follow someone who states on twitter "one of the most popular rides @ disney are obese 10 yr olds being pushed in strollers.
Really has a lot of audacity, and who is she to judge. My job here isn't to disuade you in following @kellyoxford but if you're a mom...why would you?
until next time
My number one rant is the rude people on the road today. I was out driving on the left lane...going faster than I should really, and I had this guy speed up behind me. He signaled and pointed for me to go into the middle lane. I was so mad! Yes I did. I flipped him off. I know I shouldn't have, but the nerve of this driver. He was going much faster than I, so eventually he passed me. I eventually moved to the middle lane. Then I got the honkers. I wasn't turning fast enough, or starting to go on the green light fast enough. The worst honkers are the trucks that are usually 8 cars behind. Now who do they think they are? How much of a gain do they think they will make by honking? I wonder.
My second rant is at this blogger who was on Carson Daly. I much rather follow @BrandyEllen or some other wahms then follow her. She makes dumb declarative and often insulting comments on her twitter. The only reason she has so many followers is because of a rocker who told everyone to follow her. There is nothing special about her blog, she even rants at the women on the view for commenting about her. I'm not sure why she qualified as a writer. The one comment she made on twitter that really irked me however was about children. If you are going to pick on children pick on your own. I was raised never to comment on peoples looks. If you point your finger at someone, there were three pointing back at you. I guess for tasteless twitter comments you get followers.
Why would any mom follow someone who states on twitter "one of the most popular rides @ disney are obese 10 yr olds being pushed in strollers.
Really has a lot of audacity, and who is she to judge. My job here isn't to disuade you in following @kellyoxford but if you're a mom...why would you?
until next time
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Our trip to the Shedd
I'll have to post some pics here or on my facebook page. I'll find some way to post the pictures. Alot of the pictures were taken by my daughter Abigail. She is a wonderful photographer. I saw 93.9 there. A Chicago radio station, and I didn't get the time to chat. Darn it. So after the field trip we stayed 3 more hours to see the jellies....lol I only saw a few jelliles, but I took a lot of rests so I must have missed out. WE were all tuckered out. The girls and I slept on the way home, then I spent some time on the way home on twitter and face book. Then slept some more, and some more. It was a longggggggggggggggg day! Next week is mothers day. I'm not sure what is planned, but hubby did say he was staying home. So maybe it's a nice quiet sunday. We will see. Stay tuned for pics. I've seen every kind of fish and shark we could have seen.
Until next time......
Until next time......
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Our mini vacation
It was lovely, pictures pending. It was obvious, my husbands goal was to get me out walking. God bless his soul. I really had seen enough zoos in my lifetime, so when we went to the milwaukee zoo, it was not my cup of tea, but he did go into the little houses with the girls. Becca was a little ball of energy. She's great.
We went to the Discovery Center first. My back was really bothering me and I had masssive cramps. I was not much fun that day. Chuck abby and becca all had fun.
The water park at the Hilton was only open on the weekend. I found a swim suit at Catherines so I could be in the water with the girls if needed. It's really a water park for 12 and under. The girls LOVED it. I loved the hot tub which I dipped into the 2nd day. It was quite lovely. YEP! LOL. The last night Becca was wide awake. She knew there was a fitness center on the floor, and mom had promised she could exercise with her. Boy was she bound and determined to find this fitness center. So we went, and this security guard came in and said "we really don't let the kids play on the equipment" I said she isn't playing, she's using the treadmill and exercising. I believe in having my kids get some exercise. She's a great kid, and we didn't stay there long due to the time of day...It was around 2 am....we wanted to exercise the food off that came with the room service....tee hee...
In Aug we may go on another mini vacation.....where should we go? you know for a weekend....I was thinking about even staying in chi town for the weekend...there is just so much to do!
Put your suggestions below....if you know of a good vacation spot and one for kids 12 and 9 put them below...thanks so much..
Until next time.....
We went to the Discovery Center first. My back was really bothering me and I had masssive cramps. I was not much fun that day. Chuck abby and becca all had fun.
The water park at the Hilton was only open on the weekend. I found a swim suit at Catherines so I could be in the water with the girls if needed. It's really a water park for 12 and under. The girls LOVED it. I loved the hot tub which I dipped into the 2nd day. It was quite lovely. YEP! LOL. The last night Becca was wide awake. She knew there was a fitness center on the floor, and mom had promised she could exercise with her. Boy was she bound and determined to find this fitness center. So we went, and this security guard came in and said "we really don't let the kids play on the equipment" I said she isn't playing, she's using the treadmill and exercising. I believe in having my kids get some exercise. She's a great kid, and we didn't stay there long due to the time of day...It was around 2 am....we wanted to exercise the food off that came with the room service....tee hee...
In Aug we may go on another mini vacation.....where should we go? you know for a weekend....I was thinking about even staying in chi town for the weekend...there is just so much to do!
Put your suggestions below....if you know of a good vacation spot and one for kids 12 and 9 put them below...thanks so much..
Until next time.....
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Waking up fresh/starting anew
OK, so I got a new computer, new clothes, new glasses. (yes I found out I really need bifocals, but too vain to get them). I haven't felt well for months, and have been through a few jobs recently. (nice job carole) Well I am fortunate that I chose a career that is pretty much recession proof in that nurses are needed everywhere, it is findinging a place for little ole me that feels not so paranoid. Which isn't easy. Not easy at all.
Progress on Chuck: He went back to the toolbox. He has just started this. He seems much happier not being in management.
The girls: Still waiting for public school to evaluate Becca. Take your time, the school year is almost over now! And thinking of getting Abby vocal/singing lessons although with her behavior...*sigh*....just in the morning....what a grouch. None of us girls are morning people....ESP Abby. Enuff said. And how are you waking up fresh?
Until next time.....
Progress on Chuck: He went back to the toolbox. He has just started this. He seems much happier not being in management.
The girls: Still waiting for public school to evaluate Becca. Take your time, the school year is almost over now! And thinking of getting Abby vocal/singing lessons although with her behavior...*sigh*....just in the morning....what a grouch. None of us girls are morning people....ESP Abby. Enuff said. And how are you waking up fresh?
Until next time.....
Sunday, January 9, 2011
For those of you who work....
Do you go through highs and lows with your job? I feel like that, and I always hope the new year will bring great things. Lately, my new years have started so roughly, that when it finally gets some momentum, and some good, that it's the end of the year, and its over with quickly. Any tips on how I can start my new year out greatly. Perhaps it is my own fault this year. But I won't take the credit in the previous ones. I won't badmouth my job or boss in my blogs. We can talk privately about jobs. I'd love to hear any tips you have. This is not starting out like the new year I wanted.... I don't see how I'll accomplish my financial or social goals feeling this beat up. Please do contact me if you have ideas.
Until then.
Until then.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Did you survive the holiday rush/season
Wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhoooooooooooooooooooosh it came and went, and if you blinked your eyes you missed it. We were all inundated with Black Friday ads, and who had the best ads, who had the cheapest XbOx, or Wii, and our kids were able to fill their lists with plenty of expensive wishes. I know mine filled their wish lists a couple of times. So did you wake up at the crazy hours to go shopping? Or did you stay up late? And the car industry is trying to get in on it...but let's face it...they won't fit it in will they? They will really have to to have some scrumptious deals to offer us after we've bailed everyone else. I think the sales for the stores will still keep coming. We still have plenty of sales, but lets get back to the original question. All the fuss just for a couple of days. I must say my holidays were pleasant. My Christmas and New Year were quiet, and even though I had to work new years eve, it was enjoyable. With all the craziness, I am glad that my family and I were safe. I am glad I was able to provide just enough gifts for my immediate family and they were happy with what they have. I'm really so grateful for so many things my family won't know. I'm grateful my inlaws got my daughters coats. I'm grateful for the small gift my sister in law gave me. I'm very grateful for the gifts that my hubby and daughters got me, they were spot on.
And what about your new years resolution? I belong to cardinal fitness and I have to stop by the gym more often. I will eventually switch over to the park district because abby wants a membership. I would like to eventually like to leave joliet, chuck wants a bigger house. I just want better school choices and etc.
2011 is going to be a much better year, so happy new year to you all. I hope you have a happy and prosperous new year!
And what about your new years resolution? I belong to cardinal fitness and I have to stop by the gym more often. I will eventually switch over to the park district because abby wants a membership. I would like to eventually like to leave joliet, chuck wants a bigger house. I just want better school choices and etc.
2011 is going to be a much better year, so happy new year to you all. I hope you have a happy and prosperous new year!
new year resolution,
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